Thursday, December 15, 2005

'Tis The Season

Christmas music playing everywhere you go; colorful festive decorations on houses, buildings and street lights. Wherever you are in this country, whatever your beliefs, the lovely spirit of Christmas is in the air. One week after Christmas we begin a brand new year, believe it or not here it comes. It reminds me of a cartoon I saw once of a daily desk calendar with the day pages being torn rapidly from their holder, illustrating what it looks like when time flies.

Today, we are not the same as we were just a year ago but we may not have a clue how to express the inner changes we can no longer deny. It can be challenging to know whether it is the road we walk that has changed or if our shift in perspective over recent months has allowed us to see the road a new light.

Until December 21st, the Sun continues its journey through Sagittarius, the expansive sign of philosophy, Truth, intuition and publishing. Jupiter, the ruler of Sag, traveling through Scorpio, until late 2006, the passionate and mysterious sign of sex, death and rebirth—in charge of psychology and transformation, power and control. This transit of Jupiter through Scorpio may be calling out long-buried memories and the emotions we’ve kept under wraps, with them. This holiday season we may feel more inclined toward solitary retrospective and introspective pursuits and intimate gatherings than toward attending the big, glamorous parties of previous Decembers.

Those of us who are not doing time with the ghost of Christmas past this year (probably because we’ve already been there and done that; everybody does, sooner or later) may find ourselves offering our listening heart to family and friends who are feeling the backlash of the secrets they’ve kept and lies they’ve told themselves and held onto, thinking it was better that way. Scorpio, sign of the phoenix, rising from the ashes, is in charge of purifying that which is toxic and rebuilding, restoring, remodeling us to a whole new lease on life.

The Winter Solstice, in pagan cultures, has long been celebrated with lights, evergreens, and festivities. Today, regardless of your beliefs, whether pagan, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, etc., or none of the above, we all have the same focus at this time of year. We are celebrating the light, the lights, The Light.

Christmas, in particular, is a symbolic reminder to celebrate the Divine Child who lives within each of us, the spark of heart light that gives life to our bodies and purpose to our lives. It is a celebration of the love we so often take for granted. The Divine Child in us is not afraid or weak so it never grows cynical or defended, it’s the part of us that knows love is the truth of who we are, and the best thing we each can do in our life is to shine our personal light of love. As we do, everything in our world becomes a little brighter and it becomes easier to discern between which activities and experiences simply drain our life force and which are truly life-enhancing.

May the Light and Love of the season guide you safely and joyfully to the New Year.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


December has begun in California with days of bright blue sky and sunshine uninterrupted by even a single cloud. It could almost be spring if not for the fading leaves on the trees and strewn in random bunches on the ground. The early sunset makes quick work of my springtime fantasy with its reminder that it is winter that’s coming. Still, I am grateful for the sun while it’s shining, for the natural beauty and abundance in the world that surrounds me, for the love I have been offered and the love that surges through me as I learn to live more often aligned with my heart.

Lately I have been considering the power of gratitude. Expressing it opens the heart, creating greater receptivity and ability to acknowledge and experience the good in our lives. Meister Eckhart said that simply saying, “Thank you” is sufficient to align us with our good. I do this frequently as I walk back home after my morning run. One recent morning I looked at the beauty all around me with new appreciation and said, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. A moment later I heard my inner guidance respond, “In your gratitude you will find your grace.” In that instant I understood grace as I never had.

My friend, Stacey Robyn, has just begun an experiment in practicing gratitude and is looking for one million people to participate in creating a global wake of gratitude.

I know the difference practicing gratitude has made in my life and I've seen Stacey take it to a whole new level with her brilliant creative ideas and writing on this project. She is such an inspiration, I’m posting her link here for those interested in taking part in this innovative, life-enhancing project.

There is nothing to buy and much to gain, so if this appeals to you, you may check it out at

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I Believe

I believe in the power of Love
I believe grace is everpresent
I believe in the creative spirit
I believe in the strength of goodness
I believe beauty uplifts and supports
I believe music is the great balm and healer
I believe kindness creates a bridge of light that provides hope
I believe true commitment comes from the heart, or not at all
I believe the grace of friendship is magical and miraculous
I believe the light shining in our eyes is divine
I believe Love changes everything
I believe all is well
And so it is.


For those of you who aren't aware November is National Novel Writing Month. There is a NaNoWriMo contest in which contestants are challenged to write a 50,000 word fiction novel between November 1 and November 30th. Since word count is the goal, there is no time to edit or review. In order to make the goal, it is necessary to charge ahead and get the novel into the computer. You can't cross the finish line until your word count has been verified.

I first heard about the contest last year, but wasn't yet up for it. I desperately longed to do it, but hadn't yet built the mental muscles necessary for such a feat. In the year since then, I made a point of focusing on my writing and have grown tremendously in my abilities and confidence as a writer. When the contest came around again I jumped at the chance to test my strength.

For a writer like me, who normally edits every time I open a Word document I've been working on, it was challenging at first to continue to write without looking back to fix mistakes. I knew there were typos, glaring awkward passages and even characters named differently in different sections of the piece. With time of the essence, I was forced to let it go and just get the story down. In forging ahead, instead of constantly reviewing and revising, I found myself liberated from a habit that had, until then, put a damper on my creative flow.

This November I completed my first NaNoWriMo in under twenty-eight days. I still have plenty of editing and revising to do, but I have 51,285 words of novel with which to play. Now that I've accomplished that, I know I can do the polishing. Wish me luck.

Cheers to happy endings!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Thoughts on Scorpio

In November, darkness becomes a larger portion of our waking hours. How one lives well with less light is an idea to be considered. In aligning and cooperating with nature we are supported in our actions. Gravitating toward activities that require our stillness and consideration helps us to hear the wisdom of our deeper self. Those activities that may seem like a self-indulgent waste of time while the sun is high and bright in the sky can be an inspiring balm for the soul during the fall and winter months.

Quieter activities allow us to receive and integrate, both of which are vital to our well-being. Our society has become so accustomed to doing and giving that the wisdom of stopping, even to regain balance and perspective, is questioned. Although we may know this is a good idea, the reality of stepping back and away from the fray may feel wrong to parts of us that are trying to keep up and do our best. We get going so fast and furiously the momentum alone keeps us in motion. Wise and appropriate use of this time might be to read those books, watch those movies, write in those journals, spend time on those hobbies, do those things you’ve wanted to do but were afraid wasn’t a worthy use of your time. Taking quiet time allows us to recharge, reflect and remember that we are human beings, not “human doings”. Isn’t it good to know there is a bright side to everything, even the darkness.

While the Sun is in Scorpio, from now through November 21st, we are more attuned to our subconscious desire nature, that which drives us, and those we are involved with. Scorpio and Pluto are aligned with the darkness and remind us there is more to our experience than meets the eye. In fact, some of the most important events we experience in our lifetimes may be dark and frightening to our conscious self. The things that really shape character and take us to a more meaningful way of living and being are Scorpionic in nature. We cannot evolve without relinquishing much of what we thought we could not live without. Whatever we feel attached to, we will most certainly be asked to release in order to grow. We cannot move deeper while we are hanging onto anything on the surface. Those things that truly belong to us cannot be lost but much of what we cling to inhibits our ability to individuate and become more of who we really are. All of this requires some Scorpio-type introspection, a willingness to look at our darkest, scariest places and to liberate the parts of our psyches that have been frozen in time.

The Scorpio New Moon occurred on November 1st, this year. (The period between the new and full phases of the moon is when we can most successfully plant and nourish seeds of that sign’s energy.) Between now and the full moon on November 15th is an ideal time to look at those things in our lives that need transformation. To engage this energy, you may find it helpful to consider some of these questions. What, in your life, is due a facelift or an overhaul? What are you ready to live without so that you can have more space to live in or new things to live with? What has outlived its usefulness for you but might still be of benefit to another? What have you still not grieved? Are there family heirlooms or secrets you’d like to pass along to the next generation? Each of these things will help you to access a deeper part of yourself.

Here is what I have learned about letting go, releasing, surrendering, giving up, breaking up, leaving behind, etc., until we are able to open our clenched fists or closed minds and let go, we can never really know what we have. As long as we cling, we can only experience something in relation to who and what we are, not as its true nature. The advantage of walking across the room or flying across an ocean and seeing something from a new perspective is, from there we can understand the essence of the situation, the relationship, the job, the whatever, that was impossible to know when we held it or him or her in our hands. As the old wisdom states, “If you love something, set it free. If it returns to you it is yours. If it does not it never was.” In other words, you can’t lose. By letting go, we are able to know what belongs to us and with us.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Perspective makes all the difference. As I walked through the flower garden at a Napa Valley nature preserve last weekend snapping pictures I was taken by these brilliant orange flowers. My friend called them can-cans. They do bring to mind the bright swirling skirts of dancing girls with the ruffly apricot surface of their petals swaying in the breeze.

Perspective is one of my favorite words. I use it with regard to something every day. After years of playing with its effect in my work and life I've come to appreciate and employ its power on a regular basis.

Perspective is elemental in the creative process. My work with clients, my writing and most recently, my photography offer my perspective on what is. As we deliberately dance with an object or an idea, turn it around, look at it from close and far, inside and out, above and below, we see aspects and points of view unavailable when approached in a rote fashion.

I took many pictures of can-cans surrounded, as they were, by the other flowering bushes and plants. Their unique beauty didn't stand out as I saw them with my eye, however, until I crouched down and shot this picture at an unusual angle with the backdrop of the sky elevating and accentuating their moment in the sun.

Life in perspective. It's all in how you look at it.

Friday, September 30, 2005

More on Libra

from my newsletter...
On September 22nd, the Sun entered Libra, sign of The Scales, as in the scales of justice, beauty and balance. Venus, the goddess of love, rules Libra and is concerned with marriage, legal partnership of all kinds and aesthetics. The look and feel of your home and office reflect on you, so look with new eyes at your surroundings and see if your environment accurately reflects who you are today. Beautifying you and the places in the world you occupy is good for the soul. Libra is the masculine (active) cardinal (initiating) air (mental) sign of the designer, the lawyer, the decorator and the counselor.

Libra natives, those born between September 22nd and October 22nd, those with the Ascendant, Moon or several planets in Libra or the seventh house of their natal astrology chart are inclined toward relating and prefer peace and harmony. Libra represents the mirror of reflection and those who were born under its influence are concerned with how the mirror reflects them, whether that mirror is made of glass or is the person with whom they are relating. Aesthetic “magazine beauty” is the province of Libra, whether in terms of their flair for decorating or their excellent taste and sense of style, they have a gift for turning something mundane into something that sparkles. With a touch of their hand and a twinkle in their eye, magic happens. They have a flair for ‘fabulizing’ as a friend called it.

‘Fair’ is a Libra theme. It ‘s not unusual to hear a Libra native say, “In all fairness…” “That’s not fair!” or “Who is fairest of them all.” Fairly good is not even close to good enough. Fair enough, probably isn’t, as far as they are concerned. These are the ‘just right’ people who, like Goldilocks in the fairy tale, are looking for things to weigh in at ‘exactly the way I like it’ on their internal scale. Since they tend to have high and exacting standards, if it is good enough for a Libra other people will likely find it superior. Fair to them is FINE, in the most elevated sense of the word.

Libra natives seek balance. Once balance is attained, however, they are inclined to find a way to shake things up so that they can once again create balance. Deciding about anything can be a challenge for those born under Libra’s influence because they can always think of as many reasons not to act as to act, and they are constantly weighing alternatives. They are highly imaginative and their reluctance to make a mistake or hurt someone can keep them bouncing back and forth between options until they are finally forced to choose; even then they may wonder if they should have gone the other way.

Libras typically dress impeccably, speak eloquently and polish themselves until they shine. They are concerned with what others think of them and will do what they can to appear pleasing and desirable. They want to cooperate and particularly when young, are prone to codependence. When imbalanced, Libras are charming but tend to be idealistic in their expectations and once they spot what they perceive as a flaw you may see the other side of their personality. They may suddenly lose all interest in you, and in what you think of them, as their charm is turned on someone else whose flaw is still undiscovered. Since idealistic perfection is unattainable they won't find what they are seeking as long as they remain fixated there and will find it challenging to honestly commit to anything.

To quote a line in a song by one of my favorite musicians, Sting, “To search for perfection is to live here in hell.” He is a Libra, has apparently transformed his inclinations, and achieved something far greater; expression of his infinitely creative and loving spirit through his music and way of living. John Lennon was also a Libra. His message of peace, love and inspiration, first conveyed through his music three decades ago, has never been more important.

To read the full newsletter please see the Newsletter page of my website

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Be Like A Tree

Be like a tree
Send roots deep into the earth
Down below the commotion
Down to the soft moist darkness
Down where the cool soothing
Source of nourishment
Births new life

Be like a tree
Spread your wings like branches
Out and up... skyward
Send shoots of new green growth
In unexplored directions
Grow more full and lush
As you stand where you stand
Allowing your being to express
And discover itself in your constancy
Your stillness
Your movement
While maintaining your ground

Be like a tree
Strong and solid
Fluid and reaching
Branching out
But true to you
However you may grow

Be like a tree
Bending and shifting
Swaying and playing
A cacophony of sound
Echoing on the breeze
As your leaves go
Your pages turn
One after another
Chapters written
Like the rings marking time
On the trunk of the tree
You endeavor to be

Be like a tree
Standing your ground
Reaching out to the sky
No wondering why
Just living
And being
From the depths of your roots
To the tips of your top

A tree stands tall
It bends with the wind
It changes as it grows
And will always be a tree

Copyright © 2003 Jodi Flesberg Lilly

Monday, September 19, 2005

Libra Currents and the Autumnal Equinox

September 22nd is the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere when daylight hours are once again equal to night and the Sun enters the sign of Libra. As we progress into fall this year, it isn't just the weather that changes. Universally, we are due for some major adjustments in the areas of life Libra rules: marriage. partnership, beauty, fairness, legal contracts and agreements, counseling relationships, even intimate platonic friendships.

For nearly a year now, the South Node (karmic point in the sky which exposes what needs to be reconsidered so we can release whatever doesn't or hasn't worked) has been moving through the sign of Libra. Codependent behavior is no longer tolerable for many who once thought they had no choice. Those who have simply gone along with the program for years are suddenly finding they've had enough and are no longer willing to go along to get along.

On the other side of the coin, Jupiter's presence in Libra for the past year has prompted many to marry or form business partnerships during this same period. Jupiter spends one year in each sign and blesses and/or expands what it touches so we are inclined to be attracted to matters of the sign Jupiter occupies each year. It is unusual for the South Node and Jupiter to occupy the same sign, so it will be interesting to see how these contrary influences play out in Libra's territory going forward. Around September 15th the two met in the sky creating a rather stressful energetic climate as one illuminates and stirs toxic energy for release and the other expands on what it encounters.

On October 3rd, the Libra New Moon occurs--this one is an eclipse, which amps up the energy for new beginnings in all areas ruled by Libra (see above). The South Node is very close to the eclipse point, so it could be a good time to do some major clearing around your concepts of what beauty is, what is fair, what is just, what relationship means to you, any codependent issues or other behavioral patterns that aren't benefitting your relationships. New Moons are both ending and beginning points, so purging what no longer works for you helps make way for something fine, just and beautiful that speaks to your heart.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Insights on Virgo

As ruler of Virgo, Mercury's gifts of analysis, system creation and organization are applied to the practical, often physical matters of life. Discretion, discernment, discrimination and detail all fall under Mercury's Virgo influence.

Organized, meticulous, reliable and helpful all describe Virgo, the most detail-oriented sign of the zodiac, able to spot something out of place, mismatched or flawed in an instant. They have a talent for finding lost items as their attention is naturally drawn to anything out of place or that doesn't quite work or fit. They automatically notice the little things most people don't see. Virgo's challenge is to be satisfied with the job they've done and call it good. They can see or sense when something is not quite right and their radar is always alert for how anything or anyone could be just a little bit better. Perfectionism is one of Virgos challenges. When unbalanced, they can be intolerant and critical of people and situations. They often have high standards for themselves and would really like others to be equally conscientious. However, others will never experience what Virgo does, it is their gift to the world, their blessing, and occasionally, their curse.

Virgos not only zero in on what needs attention, they are willing to do what it takes to accomplish it. Time to ruminate when they are working on something helps them feel complete and satisfied with what they've done. Moving from one thing to the next too quickly leads to second-guessing what they've done or worrying about what they may have missed. Virgos raise the standards for all of us with their focus on the little things that make the difference between adequate and excellent. Many Virgo types prefer to work behind the scenes and are uncomfortable being the focus of attention. Their desire is to have an outlet for their talents and be of benefit to others. They seek to leave the world a better place than they found it, healthier, a little more perfect, and much better organized.

There is at least a little Virgo energy in each of us, the part that knows little things really do mean a lot. One small kind act can make someone's day or may even change the course of another's life. Consider that. We can never really know the effect our actions have on others but rest assured that what you do has an effect. We each have something precious and unique to offer those around us which, when received and valued, allows us to experience more of who we really are and evolve as an individual.

Monday, September 12, 2005


I've been participating in my friend and creative mentor, Julie Jordan Scott’s most amazing program to date, Dream Activation, since it began, at the end of August. We connect each morning for six weeks by telephone conference line and/or Yahoo group where we post our dreams for our life, further insights and feedback for others who’ve shared their heart’s dearest desires in the group.

I first shared my dreams on the second day. Yesterday, I had a second opportunity to share. It is a small enough group that we each have the opportunity to speak our dream more than once as we move through the process and come to further clarity about what we desire for our life.

My first sharing drew from dreams I’ve had for many years that have not manifested. Many of those dreams were created at a time I didn't really know my own heart and would project into the future toward something I thought I could do with my talents, or that might be fun. I was nervous at the time I spoke them and as I later listened to the recording, what I heard left me feeling flat.

Were these really my heart’s desires? Where was the passion, the pizzazz, the sense of joyful anticipation? As good and noble as my dreams sounded they didn’t speak to my heart. At least, not as I had spoken them. So I drilled a little deeper and struck a rich vein.

Since my divorce, nearly 20 years ago, I've spent much of my time and energy on spiritual development and personal emotional healing work. For 10 years I was completely immersed in therapy and sessions with healers. Everything that had been my life before receded far out of reach or died of neglect.

Today, I realize my dream is to live more fully in the physical world than I have until now. I feel called to have lovely, comfortable homes—at the beach somewhere warm and tropical and in the country. I feel called to enjoy life in my body, to indulge my senses with beauty and pleasure, to live full out, to have it all. I feel called to travel to Europe, to see Paris and Venice and Vienna, staying in magnificent hotels and dining in fabulous restaurants. I feel called to write books that speak to the heart and soul of my readers. I feel called to create a network of light workers around the globe.

After sharing my dreams from this deeper heartfelt place, I was met with open arms and open hearts. I was applauded and appreciated for speaking what is in my heart. My old fears telling me I asked too much or wasn’t enough for the things my heart would claim dissolved in the warm glow of love that enveloped me as they cheered me on and encouraged me to take steps to live my dreams.

Dreams are funny things, if we don’t name them and claim them they lie dusty and dormant at the back of our mind, closet or drawer. Reclaiming them brings inspiration that uplifts our spirit and brings a smile to our heart. Embracing our dreams and dancing with them fills our bodies with vitality, our minds with new ideas and attracts people and circumstances to encourage, support and guide us on our way.

What are your dreams today? What can you do to realize their power to change your life for the better?

Julie’s Dream Activation 42-day program begins again October 4th. If you’ve got dreams you’d like witnessed, supported and encouraged into life, you can read all about Julie’s amazing program here

Sunday, September 11, 2005

September 11th Remembered

Four years ago today, September 11, 2001, I was living in Hawaii, having moved to the surfing world's famous North Shore of Oahu six weeks before. It was very early in the morning when I saw the news and was shocked senseless by what I witnessed. Like most Americans, I was shaken and outraged by what was happening, first in New York, then in Washington, D. C and elsewhere.

Not knowing what else to do, I went out for my morning run, just as I would on a normal day. I've learned to connect deeply with my inner guidance over decades of meditation and spiritual study and running is still the easiest, most natural way for me to open to that connection and receive guidance.

As I ran down the beautiful hibiscus-lined country road, my tears finally fell, and I began to pray. I prayed for those who'd lost their life and for those still in harm's way. I prayed for those who were still lost and the loved ones devastated by their losses. I prayed for those who were performing heroic acts and those whose everyday job is one of heroism. I prayed the leaders of my country would act with wisdom and I prayed we, who are citizens, would behave wisely, as well. Finally, I prayed for guidance and asked, "What can I do?"

In my mind's eye I saw a shaft of light from the heavens shining on me and felt guided to direct it out in front of me me in a continuous stream covering the planet, concentrating light on the darker places, moving forward until it reached me again from behind, completely covering the planet. I held the planet in that glowing golden-white light for a few moments and I began to feel calmer and more at peace. I realized this was something I was to teach others, and I have. Today, I'm offering it to you, too. It is simple and effective. Heaven knows the planet can use all the light we can offer it.

As I made my way back to my home after my run I heard an old England Dan and John Ford Coley song in my head, "Light of the world, shine on me, love is the answer. Shine on us all, set us free, love is the answer."

Friday, September 09, 2005

Light In Motion Lily...

I love the lily, flower of transition and transformation. This one grows near my home and is my favorite color in the spectrum. This picture was posted on my website in its original form and I think of it as the Light In Motion Lily.

In my Light In Motion business I offer intutive astrology readings, intuitive consultations and ongoing intutive process work, as well as holding monthly New Moon Gatherings. My work is designed to support people in coming to a deeper understanding of who they really are and assist as they move through the transitional times that lead to transformation.

This blog will include thoughts and musings on stars and heavenly bodies, the 'as above' that reflects the 'so below' here on Earth, insights regarding the ever-changing universal cycles influencing us all and ideas to assist you in gaining perspective and working deliberately with these energies. Awareness of the direction of the current allows us to take advantage of its power to move us swiftly, supported by its flow.

Astrology teaches us there is a purpose and a season for everything under the sun. As we begin to understand that, for instance, when the Sun (consciousness) is in Virgo (sign of digestion, assimilation and purity) as it is through the third week of September, we are all more aware of the need for order and integration. We are supported in creating systems, practicing discernment, offering to be of service and taking some quiet time to digest what is going on in our life now.

Astrology illuminates times of transition--the stressful points requiring us to grow and change, as well as the times when opportunities appear and we feel blessed and supported. Opportunity in life is somewhat like surfing. If you've practiced enough to be skillful, strong and know what to look for, you can paddle out far enough and at the perfect time to catch the energetic waves that will carry you quickly and joyfully to your objectives.

As the Beach Boys said, "Catch a wave and you're sitting on top of the world!" That's my kind of transition.

Light In Motion Newsletter-In-Progress

Here you will find the latest additions to my Light In Motion newsletter-in-progress. The idea that I can capture whatever is up and inspiring me in the moment and post it as it comes feels enlivening. Things change quickly and insights that come in a steady stream some days are often long gone by the time I sit to write my formal newsletter in the traditional manner.

I began writing and publishing my monthly 'intutive astrology' newsletters in 2001. My readership has grown steadily and now extends to family, friends and clients around the world.

Today, the advantages of blogging inspire me as an easy way to not only publish a newsletter but add several creative elements and expand my circle and visibility on the web.

I will be making regular entries here, so please come back soon.