Saturday, December 03, 2005


December has begun in California with days of bright blue sky and sunshine uninterrupted by even a single cloud. It could almost be spring if not for the fading leaves on the trees and strewn in random bunches on the ground. The early sunset makes quick work of my springtime fantasy with its reminder that it is winter that’s coming. Still, I am grateful for the sun while it’s shining, for the natural beauty and abundance in the world that surrounds me, for the love I have been offered and the love that surges through me as I learn to live more often aligned with my heart.

Lately I have been considering the power of gratitude. Expressing it opens the heart, creating greater receptivity and ability to acknowledge and experience the good in our lives. Meister Eckhart said that simply saying, “Thank you” is sufficient to align us with our good. I do this frequently as I walk back home after my morning run. One recent morning I looked at the beauty all around me with new appreciation and said, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. A moment later I heard my inner guidance respond, “In your gratitude you will find your grace.” In that instant I understood grace as I never had.

My friend, Stacey Robyn, has just begun an experiment in practicing gratitude and is looking for one million people to participate in creating a global wake of gratitude.

I know the difference practicing gratitude has made in my life and I've seen Stacey take it to a whole new level with her brilliant creative ideas and writing on this project. She is such an inspiration, I’m posting her link here for those interested in taking part in this innovative, life-enhancing project.

There is nothing to buy and much to gain, so if this appeals to you, you may check it out at

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